Saturday, December 15, 2012


1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Source: Information in public domain

Monday, September 24, 2012


How long have you been using your cellphone? Using a mobile device for any length of time is damaging to some degree, but new research is shedding light on just how significant of an influence extended cellphone use has on the brain. In a newly-released study conducted at the Örebro Hospita in Sweden, it was revealed that 10 years of cellphone use resulted in an average 290% increased risk of brain tumor development. Interestingly, the tumor development was found on the side of the head in which the cellphone was most used.
It’s important to understand that cellphone use has gone up significantly since 10 years ago, meaning that more recent results may show an even higher risk. Statistically, the average person in Britain and many other developed nations will soon have about 2 cellphones each. With the increased number of cellphones on the citizens of the world comes something known as ‘second-hand cellphone use’. Just as with smoking, sitting in a bus, airplane, or train will expose you to upwards of several hundred cellphones at one time.
Another key factor is that 10 years ago far less young children were using cellphones –a select few having them as ‘emergency’ contact devices. Now, it’s not uncommon to see children under 10 chatting or texting on their cellphone throughout the day. It is a well known fact that developing children are more affected by cellphone radiation, with behavioral disorders known to develop from cellphone use at an early age. It is also known that cellphone radiation is actually changing the brain in ways that are not currently understood.
In other words, the large-scale global use of cellphones is essentially a massive biological experiment. The true long-term effects will only be absolutely known when they occur. Following the research, this will likely be a historical spike in brain tumor development and damage. As you certainly know, the best way of protecting yourself from cellphone radiation is to simply not use it. When turning the phone off, it reduces the emission rate close to zero. This is not always an option for many, so there are a few vital methods of reducing the damage:
·      Turn your phone off at night or when you are not using it.
·      Place your phone in ‘airplane’ mode if you cannot turn it off entirely.
·      Look into and heavily research radiation protection options for your phone. Be aware there are a number of fake items out there, so always look for a product brand with real research behind it.
·      Try and use the ‘speaker’option on your cellphone when possible, holding it in your hand away from your head.

[The article is published to increase social awareness of the health impications of long term use of cell phones and is Sourced in toto from]

Monday, September 3, 2012


CONCISE ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Vakula Devi in Kaliyug is Yashoda Devi in Dwaparayug. Lord Krishna gives a boon to Yashoda Devi that she will witness and perform his marriage in Kaliyug. As per Puranas, she is instrumental in performing marriage of Lord Srinivasa with Goddess Padmavathi. A temple dedicated to her is in Tirupati since many centuries, albeit in ruins. Daily rituals were performed in the temple, dedicated to her, till the Indian Independence. However, unlawful stone mining around the temple has led to deterioration of the surroundings as well as the neglect had dilapidated the temple.
This story is not just confined to this temple alone, but for many temples in India.
Sri Paripoornananda Swamiji of Sri Math with other Hindu pontiffs has taken upon themselves to lead a movement to retrofit the temple and restore the sanctity of the temple. Let us all join the movement by informing the fellow devotees of the need to save our heritage monuments, religious places and sites from unlawful destruction by land grabbers and greedy businessmen.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Colors play a vital role in stimulating our energies and bringing balance to our minds as well as bodies. Therefore colors in one’s home should be coordinated with the colors of respective planets and elements associated with different directions, which facilitates enhancement of energy flow around every individual in the house. The following table offers guidelines for using colors.

Where to use
Where not to use
RED (Primary color)

Mars (Coral red)
Most dramatic, emotional and active color which evokes a seductive atmosphere of excitement, passion and desire.
Power & Bravery
Kitchen(Not recommended for entire room, but partly)
Bed rooms
BLUE (Primary color)
Imparts a sense of space and expansion that relaxes body & mind.

West rooms, Bedrooms (Reduce blood pressure)
Study rooms, Meditation rooms (Calming effect & Spiritual energy)

YELLOW (Primary color)
North East
A bright and highly energizing color which nurtures mental alertness, articulate/ logical thinking & clarity of mind
Prayer rooms (paint in strips or patches only & not entire room). Cream colors are preferable.
Not good for rooms with direct sunlight.
Orange, Pink (Peach)
Mars (Pink)
Inspires spirituality and encourages happy, joyful and social gatherings
Transcendence and another worldly aspect
Living rooms (Imparts cheerfulness)
Dining rooms (Stimulates good appetite)
Not good for rooms with direct sunlight.
North, South West
Brings harmonious atmosphere that generates calm and inner peace. Also for quick healing & rejuvenation.
North West rooms, Study rooms (Calms the inhabitants & Enhances Intelligence)
Hospital rooms (Helps quick healing and rejuvenation)


Inspires faith, intuition and trust, stimulates meditation & helps in reflecting positive reflections.

Never paint an entire room in purple as it could be overpowering
Sun, Moon
& Venus (Silver white)
East, North West & South East
Reflects light & Brightens the rooms
Works fine anywhere, but recommended for ceilings, Brahmastan in a house, East & North west rooms.


Light shades can be used for Toilets & Bath rooms.
North west rooms.

Causes despair
Dark/ Negative energies
Black with a mix of white can be used for Toilets & Bath rooms.
North west rooms.
Note: Light shades in Pink, blue, green and lavender colors are preferable for elder’s Bed rooms, while as slightly brighter shades in the above colors are recommended for baby’s rooms.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Vitamin B12, an essential micro-nutrient, is crucial for the proper formation of red blood cells and health of the nerve tissues. Vitamin B12 deficiency, if left untreated can result in anemia, irreversible nerve and brain damage (Deficiency of B12 reduces the production of certain neurotransmitters like monoamines which are important in the regulation of mood and other brain functions) and also manifests with slight mental irritability, dyslexia and depression (Deficiency of folate, another B vitamin together with B12 deficiency reduces the body’s capacity to process Amino acids thus increasing the homocysteine levels, which is associated with heart diseases, strokes, vascular diseases and depression). The deficiency tends to develop gradually sometimes over a period of several years. At first, signs and symptoms may be subtle, but as time goes by they become more noticeable.
Some of the key factors causing Vitamin B12 deficiency are;
Ø  Excessive intake of fast foods and high-calorie drinks with corresponding reduction in dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin B12.
Ø  Excessive intake of drugs (like antibiotics) destroys the organisms present in the intestines that are essential for synthesizing vitamin B12
Ø  Consumption of antacids and other acid inhibitor drugs regularly to counter stress-related acidity reduces the stomach pH level, thereby affecting absorption of vitamin B12.
Ø  Mal-absorption of vitamin B12 due to lack of intrinsic factor (synthesizing agent present in the stomach that aids absorption of vitamin B12) and presence of antibodies against these proteins.
Ø  Low level of vitamin D coexists with calcium deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency. Minimum exposure to sun light means low levels of Vitamin D and hence low levels of Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is absent in plants, but is predominantly present in non-vegetarian food or animal sources of food like milk and milk products (the concentration is not sufficient to meet the daily requirements), Meat (abundant in liver, kidney and other organs), fish and eggs.
Many micro-organisms present in human intestines are also capable of synthesizing vitamin B12. Hence, the use of antibiotics, antacids and acid inhibitor drugs shall be minimized to maximize the absorption of B12.
In case of severe deficiency of vitamin B12, the patients is administered several doses of vitamin B12 supplements or injections (For those who cannot absorb vitamin B12 directly, doctors recommend injections).

(This subject is extensively covered in "Detailed information on B12 deficiency")


Dementia is defined as a serious illness affecting someone’s brain and memory in which they gradually stop being able to think or behave in a normal way. People are diagnosed for dementia when two or more brain functions, such as memory, language skills, perception or cognitive skills, including reasoning and judgment are significantly impaired without loss of consciousness. Most forms of dementia usually affect only older people who are past their sixties and are a result from the death of nerve cells and/or the loss of communication among these cells
Alarmingly, of late, bouts of forgetfulness and its manifestations (loss of emotional and behavioral control, developing personality changes, reduced problem solving abilities)on the normal lives, termed as pseudo-dementia is affecting many in the younger age groups, who are in their 30’s and 40’s. This state of forgetfulness is induced due to reasons like stress, depression, mental fatigue, alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet, multiple strokes, drugs, neglect of minor injuries, diabetes, vascular diseases and deficiency of Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin).
Some of the causes of Pseudo-dementia and preventive measures acknowledged by reputed medical professionals and confirmed by various medical studies are tabulated below:
Stressful lifestyle or depression makes the brain overworked and hence it stops registering new information resulting in a state of dementia.
Engaging in intellectually stimulating activities, such as social interactions, chess, crossword puzzles and playing a musical instrument, can significantly lower the risk of developing dementia.
Vascular dementia develops when the blood supply to the brain is lowered. It is strongly correlated with risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure, diabetes and elevated cholesterol levels.
Vascular dementia may be prevented in many cases by changing lifestyle factors, such as, poorly controlled diabetes, excessive weight and high blood pressure. Regular exercise (stimulates production of chemicals called growth factors that help neurons survive and adapt to new situations), healthy food, especially diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, and maintaining a control over their glucose levels can prevent vascular dementia.
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can reduce working capacity of the brain and results in progressive memory loss that has an impact on day to day activities.
Good amount of vitamin B12 in the blood delays the onset of dementia and slows the progression since it helps strengthen brain neurons. Consumption of vitamin B12 rich foods such as milk/milk products, fish, meat and eggs is essential.
Consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat rich foods causes inflammation in the brain, as well as the impairment of structural proteins that affect the functions of nerve cells. These causes memory loss and the failure of functions in other key organs such as the eye and the ear.
Restricting the intake of diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Consumption of fruits and fruit juices rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties is recommended.
Low-carbohydrate and no-carbohydrate diets have the strongest potential for negative impact on thinking and cognition. The body breaks carbohydrates into glucose, which it uses to fuel brain activity.
Consumption of low calorie, high-carbohydrate diet is recommended. (Proteins break down into glycogen, which can also be used for fuel by the brain, but not as efficiently as glucose from carbohydrates.)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I am no different from other Indians when it comes to cricket. Cricket has been a weakness and continues to be a major distraction to me personally; following the fortunes of Team India irrespective of my work location across different parts of the world.

I have been a great admirer of Philanthropist, Steve Waugh, Gentleman cricketer, Adam Gilchrist and Mr. Cricket, Michael Hussey apart from   scores of Indian players. The admiration of these players may be partly due to non-cricketing reasons and exemplary personal traits. Nevertheless, there have been so many great players and few greatest players as well whose game, I was unable to appreciate and enjoy all these years, since patriotism had masked my unprejudiced admiration.
I am an ardent fan of Test cricket over the shorter versions. However, IPL 5 has helped me in removing my prejudices towards supporting a particlular team and taught me how to enjoy the game, irrespective of the end result and the competing teams. This is the first IPL tournament I have been watching from day one due to my stay outside India and in countries where Cricket is an alien game and is not available for viewing in TV.

In fact, it is Steven Smith’s cricketing exploits in IPL 5 that has inspired me to write this article. Although, I had watched a few games he played for Australia, I could not distinguish his special talent. He continues to impress greatly with his batting and fielding skills; but his bowling skills are not yet exploited by his captain Sourav Ganguly in this tournament. Trust we get to watch it too shortly. It is also delightful to watch, unprejudicedly, the performances and skills of other offshore promising talents; Sunil Naraine, Kevon Cooper, Owais Shah, Duplessis, Shaun Marsh together with Chris Gayle, Kevin Pieterson, Brad Hodge, Shane Watson and Azhar Mahmood who had been very consistent and successful in this years IPL.
It is a great pleasure and joy to watch Rahul Dravid and Sourav Ganguly, the Indian greats who are past their prime together with Indian Internationals; Virendra Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Suresh Raina and promising talents; Ajinkya Rahane, Umesh Yadav, Robin Uthappa, Ambati Rayudu, Dhawan, Ashok Maneria, Ankit Sharma, Parwinder Awana, Pawan Negi performing exceedingly well.
On the other hand, it leaves me greatly perplexed and sad to see the skill gap between promising Indian players and offshore cricketers. The greatest concern is the ground and aerial fielding which are many rungs below par. Moreover, the local talent looks to lack self belief and confidence. Trust the IPL exposure and interaction with offshore players will improve their self belief and talent.

Friday, April 20, 2012


The thought of Rahul Dravid brings to our minds a lucid picture of a highly composed cricketer defending a rising delivery with assurance. The impact and contribution of this batting great, who served the Indian cricket for 16 long years and retired from International cricket in 2012, is astounding, especially when India played on pitches outside the sub continental. Rahul, as a cricketer, was a workaholic and always tested his skills to the limits when playing for country and is acknowledged to be a humble and intelligent person, off the game.
Dravid has scored over 23,000 international runs and stands next only to Sachin Tendulkar in the all-time Test batting chart. The greatest days of his career, that is remembered by one and all is the come-from-behind 376-run partnership he had forged in Kolkata’s Eden Gardens in March 2001, with another batting great Laxman, to turn a losing game into a winning one against the all-conquering Australian team led by Steve Waugh. He was one of the stalwarts of Indian cricket whose contributions were responsible for India to become a number ONE test nation, alas for a brief period. He is a role model to many young cricketers like Rahane and Pujara, to name a few.

Like any other cricketer, he had his highs and lows but stood tall in all adversities. Unfortunately, he never had the luxury of choosing tours, ala Sachin and could not command unwavering support of Indian fans and Indian cricketing officials alike when it mattered for him, at certain crucial phases in his long International career. Interestingly, his timing of retirement from International cricket was as precise and crisp as it was with his cuts and drives on the cricket field.
Rahul has left a strong legacy for all budding as well as young international cricketers to emulate his technique, hard work, passion and love for the game and take the Indian cricket to greater heights. Indian cricket has the opportunity to simultaneously honor itself as well as the batting great by utilizing his cricketing intelligence and experience to unearth and nurture talented youngsters as well as in the game’s administration for chalking out pro-active measurable goals for Indian cricket and implementing them.
As an admirer of his cricketing skills and persona, I wish him numerous successes and accolades in his future roles and ventures.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Hyderabad chapter, organised Nagara Sankeerthana Yatra , under the stewardship and guidance of His Holiness Sri Datta Vijayananda Tirtha Swamiji with the blessings of His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamiji, in the city of Hyderabad on Sunday, April 1, 2012.
Around Six thousand Datta devotees and citizens of twin cities took part in the Nagara Sankeerthana Yatra which commenced (5.30 AM) and concluded (8.30 AM) at Sri Agrasena Bhavan, Near Paradise circle, Baalamrai, Secunderabad. The devotees and participants of Nagara Sankeerthana traversed a distance of circa 7.5km along some of the streets in secunderabad rendering the Bhajans composed and sung by His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamiji.

The programme was organised to uphold and upkeep the ancient Sanathana Dharma traditions established by Sage Narada, Lord Hanuman, Prahalad, Dhruva, Annamayya and Tyagaraja who had walked around streets in the ancient times, in the early hours of the day, singing compositions in the praise of impersonal Godhead behind and beyond the manifest universe.
Nagara Sankeerthana Yatra culminated with a Homam as well as Sri Seetha Ramachandra Archana followed by an insightful discourse by His Holiness Sri Datta Vijayananda Tirtha Swamiji. Sri Swamiji had stressed the importance and benefits of upholding Dharma in the present times and ways and means to enhance peace and harmony in the world, as prescribed in the Vedas. Sri Swamiji also stressed the importance of helping the poor and needy, contributing to the restoration of dilapated temples including distressed school buildings and importance of looking after one’s parents with utmost love and affection. Sri Swamiji has declared that next Nagara Sankeerthana will be organised in Mysore on June 4, 2012, as a culmination to His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamiji’s 70th birthday celebrations.
Free prasadams and Panakam (Special drink prepared for Sri Rama Navami) were distributed to all the devotees and participants. The kolatam (a local folk dance) performed by devotees from Krishna and Godavari districts, all along the yatra and after Sri Swamiji's speech was appreciated by Sri Swamiji as well as the fellow devotees.
Nevertheless, Nagara Sankeerthana presented an indelible as well as a memorable experience and gave immense spiritual happiness to all the participants.