Friday, December 30, 2011


You feel positive and joyful when you realize that you are successful. However, when failure comes to you, you feel defeated. The definition of success and failure varies from one person to another and according to the stage of life that you are in. It is important to have success and failure well defined for yourself, because, based on your definition, you feel greater or lesser inner wellbeing, happiness and wholeness. There are also different levels of success and of failure. For example, for some the greatest success is to be happy and radiant, whatever happens inside or outside. If one manages to keep happy in the face of failure, for them it is a success. Because to be happy means that I am connected with my essential worth or inner self, my being is awake and alive. Failure does not reduce my vitality, my contentment levels. The greater or fewer external achievements do not reduce the quality of the inner being or of being happy. The important thing is that you believe your own definition of success and failure. Some ideas can be shared that can act as guidelines, but, in the end, each person has to create their own guidelines, definitions and factors leading to success and failure. Basing ourselves on these guidelines and beliefs, we evaluate our successes and failures.  You can reflect on what true success and failure mean for you and, according to those meanings, centre your attention on the values and efforts that lead you to achieve your objectives.

For many, society has conditioned us to look for success through the path of our career, achievements, profits, praise, financial wealth etc. That way, we have learned a narrow view of success. Running in search of this kind of success and pursuing it, we come to exhaust ourselves, get burnt out and depressed. In order to achieve these successes we have stopped caring for the inner being (the soul) and relationships. That has meant and means stress, pain, anxiety, family break ups, personal and relational disintegrations, the destruction of the environment and planetary and climatic imbalances. As a consequence, we feel empty. Although we achieve the applause, the income and other successes, the soul is malnourished and has the sensation that it is lacking something. Reaching fame, financial wealth, the power of a visible position, and reaching it with a broken soul, broken up family and a sick body, causes depression which explains why, in our recent history , famous people have ended up committing suicide.

If we want to redirect our personal and collective lives toward true wellbeing and wholeness, we have to re-evaluate and redefine our beliefs and factors that lead to success and failure. Before asking yourself what success and failure mean for you, it is important to be clear what context you want success in. Depending on the context, the dimension and the meaning of success and failure will be different. For example, in the work context, a failure will be different to that in the family context. In the personal context or in life in general, the way of perceiving success or failure varies.

Disclaimer: This article is reproduced from "Positive Reflections For The Day messages sent by the Brahmakumaris".  Daily articles can be subscribed by sending an email to

Also you can access Vijay Karanam's similar article WISDOM OF SUCCESS published in his other blog

Saturday, December 24, 2011


As we decorate the Christmas tree, let us remind ourselves.

The tree is a symbol of humanity.
The trunk is when we were all united in one religion of peace, love and truth.
We then divided into branches of different religions and then each religion divided into twigs.
The leaves of the tree represent each soul of humanity.
The Shining Star on the top is God who is now giving us the message to unite once again.
As we decorate the tree, let us decorate the soul with virtues of compassion, forgiveness and trust.
Santa Claus symbolises The Supreme God Father, who comes in these times of darkness, into the dirty old world (chimney), to give us gifts of Purity, Power and Peace.

Christmas is the time of Angels
We have always looked for our guarding angel, one who would always be there for us, guide us and love us.
Today let us start becoming an angel instead of looking for angels.
When we remember our original nature of love and purity, we accept each one as they are.
We love them and our love and acceptance protects them and empowers them.
We then become an angel to them
When we live by our virtues, we are angels to each one around us.

Christmas is a reminder for what Jesus Christ lived for - Love and Forgiveness.

(Source: Positive reflections by Brahmakumaris, Partly edited by Vijay Karanam)